«Apnea - Lockdown generation» is a short story made up of dance actions and interviews with the new generations about the covid-19 pandemic, but not only.

A documentary by compagniadellenuvole

The great forgotten of this pandemic were the young people, who remained as if in apnea, without air, without voice, without words, without relationships. «Apnea - Lockdown generation» is a short story made up of dance actions and interviews with the new generations about the covid-19 pandemic, but not only. The docufilm goes beyond the narration of the pandemic experience: it aims to discover not only what the coronavirus emergency meant to the new generations, but also how they see their future, what they think of life, love, and who are the young people of the lockdown generation.

«Apnea» is a documentary created by Compagnia delle Nuvole, supported by Piano B (the youth plan of the Community of Valle Alto Garda and Ledro) and by the youth policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento. It was shot in autumn 2020, just before the "second wave". The interviews were carried out with ten young people, mainly from the Alto Garda Trentino area, between 10 and 34 years of age. The music, by Marco Penner, was composed during the first lockdown period. The dance actions belong to the Seesaw Project company. The creations in the film are by Matteo Cretti.